Yerevan International Shakespeare Theatre Festival 20th-26th October
Yerevan International Shakespeare Theatre Festival
„Festivals are the most important cultural events for instance. What an be more motivating for the arts people than experience exchange and communication with different arts schools?
Shakespeare international theater festival is a unique part of the European Shakespeare festivals that follows the theater news around the world and presents it to the Armenian audience.
Continuous Shakespeare festivals are usually taking place in the countries with forwarded and intellectual society and Yerevan international Shakespeare Theater festival as being the twelve one in number is a good example of it. Let it have a long life in creating beauty.” KARO BALYAN Director
19 October
Place: Theatre Workers Union of Armenia
Robert Sturua /Master Class/
20 October
Place: H. Paronyan State Musical Comedy Theatre
Opening Ceremony
Place: H. Paronyan State Musical Comedy Theatre
“Julius Caesar” Academic Theater after Sh. Rustaveli /Georgia/
21 October
Place: Theatre Workers Union Of Armenia
Emre Erdem /Master Class/
Place: Theatre Workers Union Of Armenia
“The Clown” /Armenia/
Place: H. Paronyan State Musical Comedy Theatre (Small stage)
„Prospero” International project /Brazil, Romania, Algeria, Nigeria, Mongolia, Armenia/
22 October
Place: Theatre Workers Union Of Armenia
“Macbeth” Petr Cizmar „Divadlo Kontra” /Slovakia/
Place: Yerevan Drama Theater After H. Ghaplanyan
„Twelfth Night or of love i die” /Armenia/
Place: H. Paronyan State Musical Comedy Theatre (Small stage)
„Prospero” International project /Brazil, Romania, Algeria, Nigeria, Mongolia, Armenia/
23 October
Place: Theatre Workers Union of Armenia
Pip Utton /Master Class/
Place: Yerevan State Youth Theater
“Yago or Tractate about the handkerchief” Ulyanovsk Drama Theather after I. Goncharov /Russia/
Place: Yerevan State Puppet Theatre
“The Best of Shakespeare” /Armenia/
24 October
Place: State Musical Chamber Theater
“Hamlet” Wolodimir Zavalnyuk Theatre „Peretvorenie”/Ukraine/
Place: State Chamber Theatre
“King of Tradegy” Pip Utton /Great Britain/
25 October
Place: Theatre Workers Union of Armenia
“Shakespeare it” Magdalina Fayage, Helena Ganialian, Nina Minor /Poland-Varsaw/
Place: Small Theatre
“SHAKEspeare” /Armenia/
Place: Musical Chamber Theatre
“Shakespeare A Capella” Stanislaw Soyka and Cracow Singers /Poland-Cracow/
26 October
Place: Russian Drama Theatre named after K. Stanislavsky
“Once Upon a Time in Elsinore. Hamlet” /Russia, Sankt Peterburg/
More information on website: