Shakespeare Festival in Neuss 16.06-02.07 2021

This year Shakespeare at the Globe will take place out of doors: a total of 21 events will be on offer between 16 June and 2 July in the Shakespeare Garden. Nine troupes of travelling players from Austria, England, Turkey and of course Germany are expected, plus the irreplaceable Patrick Spottiswoode with his lectures on the Globe, and the Belgian jazz singer and pianist Caroll Vanwelden with her band, who will electrify audiences once again with her fascinating take on the sonnets. And for the youngest Shakespeare fans there will be children’s performances with plenty of music.

The merry-go-round begins on Wednesday 16 June with a confection from the Rheinisches Landestheater: in Shakespeare’s Love but Marriage the director and actor Tom Gerber cleverly blends various motifs from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Taming of the Shrew into a turbulent combi-comedy.
On 18 June the New Globe Theater Potsdam brings The Life of Edward II of England, Brecht’s version of Marlowe’s exciting drama Edward II, to the open-air theatre at the Neuss Globe, followed immediately by the Globe Ensemble Berlin unleashing the forces of nature in The Tempest. This late romance about the visionary sorcerer Prospero focuses on globalisation, the conflicts between civilisation and nature, and between oppressive powers and legitimate authorities (19/20 June).
On 24 and 25 June the Theaterachse Salzburg comes to Neuss with Much Ado about Nothing: there are witty battles of words between pairs of young lovers who are partly unaware of their mutual attraction, and an unpleasant intrigue, but all comes to a happy ending, so that an ovation is guaranteed. The bremer shakespeare company can be seen in two productions: the poetic and touching new production of The Winter’s Tale (26.06) and the highly topical Coriolanus, to be performed bilingually in collaboration with the Tiyatro BeReZe from Istanbul (28/29.06).
On Sunday 27 June the Neuss-born actor Norbert Kentrup, originator of the “splendid idea” of bringing the Globe to Neuss thirty years ago, will read aloud from his autobiography Der süße Geschmack von Freiheit (The sweet taste of freedom).
The Shakespeare Garden celebrations come to an end with two very comical performances: Macbeth from the Ladys of the HandleBards (30.06/01.07) and a sparkling spoof chivalric romance by Shakespeare’s contemporaries Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) and John Fletcher (1579-1625): The Knight of the Burning Pestle has been “rediscovered” by Theater Poetenpack Potsdam (02.07).
These events will take place out of doors with all anti-Covid precautions taken. Further updated information on this matter can be found nearer the time on our website
Advance ticket sales start at the
beginning of June at all the usual ticket agencies or via the ticket
hotline at 02131 526 99 99 9.
Further information can be found at
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