SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL at the Globe, Neuss- Programme
9.June – 8. July 2017
One festival, a thousand moments: the 27th Shakespeare Festival at the Globe, Neuss, begins on 9 June 2017. The programme, lasting until 8 July, presents a wide spectrum of thirty-three events ranging from “Shakespeare for beginners” to some highly ambitious productions and musical offers. There is a day intended specifically for children, crammed with play and plays, and parallel to the festival there will also be, for the first time, the chance to view three legendary film versions of Shakespeare plays.
The Rheinisches Landestheater takes itself appropriately to the depths of the Forest of Arden for As You Like It, the “bremer shakespeare company” presents “Shakespeare through Flowers”, and the Neues Globe Theater Potsdam will also tackle the mistakes King Lear made in bringing up his daughters. NRW’s premiere brings the Munich-based Otto-Falckenberg School to Neuss in “Pony camp: Troilus and Cressida”, a youthful, irreverent take on the heroes who have just had enough of the senseless Trojan War.
From England comes a fascinating Othello from the Tobacco Factory in association with the English Touring Theatre; Stephen Jameson and his Mountview Productions offer The Alchemist by Shakespeare’s contemporary Ben Jonson, and the Watermill Theatre from Newbury contributes two perennial favourites, Romeo and Juliet and Twelfth Night. Also in English will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream from HandleBards and of course the irresistible lecture by Patrick Spottiswoode.
The Companhia do Chapitô from Lisbon achieves the impossible with “Macbeth, the Comedy”, and the Tang Shu-Wing Theatre studio from Hong Kong offers the “Scottish play” in a stylised version. From the workshop Théâtre Actuel of Paris comes Pierre Corneille’s Le Cid, a French classic that was first performed twenty years after Shakespeare’s death. Written in alexandrines in rhyming couplets, it is classed as a tragicomedy because it has a happy end.
Two musical premieres round off this year’s programme: the Belgian ensemble Scherzi musicali comes complete with Gods, nymphs and fairies, and the jazz singer Caroll Vanwelden performs „Shakespeare Sonnets 3.0”.
Advance ticket sales (plus 12% commission) begin on 25.03.2017. Tickets are available from the usual advance booking outlets, by telephone on 02131 526 99 99 9 (Mondays-Fridays 08.00-20.00, Saturdays 09.00-18.00, Sundays and bank holidays 10.00-16.00), or on the Internet.
For further details visit
Shakespeare Festival at the Globe, Neuss
- – 11.06., 20 h + 11.06., 15 h
Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory, Bristol
- + 13.06., 20 h
Wie es euch gefällt
Das Rheinische Landestheater Neuss
- – 17.06., 20 h
Ben Jonson: The Alchemist
Mountview Productions, London
18.06., 18 h
Götter, Nymphen und Feen
Scherzi Musicali, Brüssel
- + 20.06., 20 h
Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio, Hong Kong
21.06., 16 + 20 h
Shakespeare and the Globe
Lecture Patrick Spottiswoode
- + 23.06., 20 h
Shakespeare durch die Blume
bremer shakespeare company
- + 25.06., 20 h
Macbeth, die Komödie
Companhia do Chapitô, Lissabon
25.06., 11 – 15.30 h
- + 29.06., 20 h und 30.06., 15 h
Romeo & Juliet
The Watermill Theatre, Newbury
- + 30.06., 20 h und 29.06., 15 h
Twelfth Night
The Watermill Theatre, Newbury
- + 02.07., 18 h
König Lear
Neues Globe Theater, Potsdam
03.07., 15 + 20 h
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The HandleBards, London
04.07., 20 h
Pierre Corneille: Le Cid
Atelier Théâtre Actuel, Paris
- + 06.07., 20 h
Pony Camp: Troilus & Cressida
nach William Shakespeare
Otto-Falckenberg-Schule, München
- + 08.07., 20 h
Shakespeare in Jazz
Caroll Vanwelden & Band
12.06., 19 h, Souterrain
USA/It 1967, 122 Minuten, Regie: Franco Zefirelli
Souterrain, Dominikanerstr. 4, 40545 Düsseldorf
14.06., 19 h, Hitch
Much Ado About Nothing
GB/USA 1993, 106 Minuten, Regie: Kenneth Branagh
Hitch, Das 1-Saal-Kino im Kreishaus, Oberstraße 91, 41460 Neuss
30.06., 19 h, Black Box
Sowjetunion 1964, 140 Minuten, Regie: Grigori Kozintsev, Drehbuch: Boris Pasternak
Black Box, Kino im Filmmuseum, Schulstraße 4, 40213 Düsseldorf