11th Shakespeare Festival Gyula, 2015 programme
2nd-12th July 11th Shakespeare Festival Gyula, 2015
FULL PROGRAMME AVAILABLE HERE :Gyuila Shakespeare Festival
2nd July Shakespeare in the eyes of contemporary fine artists
2nd July W. Shakespeare: Richard III–Chinese National Theatre, Beijin
3rd July Film screening:Twelfth Night or What You Will – Katona József Theatr
3rd July W. Shakespeare: Twelfth Night or What You Will
4th July Hamlet2.0
4th-5th July W. Shakespeare: Twelfth Night or What You Will
5th July Film screening: Shakespeare in Love – American comedy 1998
6th July W. S. OTHELLO – the Black Moor
7th July Film screening: Richard III. – movie of the MTV with stars in the cast
7th July W. Shakespeare: Richard III Performance of the Theatre Base of
Zsámbék and the Manna Production
8th July Film screening: The Merchant of Venice – American movie /2004/
8th July Shakespeare’s contemporary music Concert of the Hungarian
Renaissance Resemble
9th July Film screening:Romeo and Juliet
9th July Shakespeare -Tchaikovsky : Romeo and Juliet
10th-11th July Who was Shakespeare?
10th July Songs for Shakespeare Maria Joao’s Jazz Concert
10th July W. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
11th July Shylock Performed by: Piotr Kondrat /PL
11th July W. Shakespeare: King Lear of the Vörösmarthy Theatre from Székesfehérvár
12th July Shakespeare and András Ferenc Kovács
12th July W. Shakespeare: Timon of Athens