The Verona Shakespeare Fringe CALL!
The Verona Shakespeare Fringe
Call for Projects, Productions, and Proposals
In but a few years, the Verona Shakespeare Fringe (VSF) has become a significant stop on the European Shakespeare Festivals circuit. We’re unique, there’s no better way to say it. The festival blurs perceived boundaries between practical and academic Shakespearean work and creates a lively intersection of new possibilities in Shakespearean practice and scholarship. The Verona Shakespeare Fringe seeks productions and project proposals for its 2025 Festival held in Verona, July 17-24 !
The Fringe is organised by the Skenè Research Centre at the University of Verona, in collaboration with the Conservatorio di Verona Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco, and Teatro Scientifico – Teatro Laboratorio. VSF takes place on the same days as the Shakespeare and the Mediterranean Summer School organised by Skenè. The VSF is at once lab, studio, crucible, incubator, hothouse, and platform. It values experimentation and conversation, expression and debate, and the lively exchange of ideas.
The Verona Shakespeare Fringe seeks proposals that fit the Festival’s vision for new, untried, untested, and/or innovative Shakespearean productions, along with already established productions that are animated by some combination of the following:
- New, original, and/or experimental approaches to Shakespeare’s plays and poetry;
- Artists, researchers, and companies engaged in intercultural, multi-lingual, intergenerational, or international work;
- Devised Theatre;
- International co-productions;
- Intersectional work in terms of live and digital performance; and
- World Premiere performances.
The VSF will be hosted at the Teatro SS. Trinità located in the heart of Verona, near the Arena. VSF participants will engage with students, scholars, audience members, and other artists in a rich exchange of performances, Q&A sessions, and social events.
Apply to Perform at the 2025 Verona Shakespeare Fringe!
The call is open to international professional individuals, groups, or companies. The Festival accepts applications for original, yet-to-be-performed-work, and performances that have already been on stage. Each group or individual can submit one proposal only.
The Festival’s conditions and provisions include the following:
- Teatro SS: Trinità (See Rider below; please make sure that your show can comply with the venue’s space and equipment availability);
- Flat-rate reimbursement 1,000 to 3,000 euros per performance, depending on type of performance. Additionally, each company will receive 50% of the proceeds from ticket sales, net of copyright costs in accordance with Italian law. Both the reimbursement and the percentage of proceeds may be subject to tax withholding, based on the international conventions between Italy and the countries of the applicants;
- Participation of the companies in interviews and Q&A sessions;
- Organisation and promotion of the event;
- Technical equipment and personnel as outlined in the technical rider; companies will be charged for any additional requests;
- Video-projector, laptop and a person (if necessary) in charge of running the English and Italian subtitles following a detailed script; companies are required to provide both the English and Italian subtitles as well as the script.
VSF does not provide further honoraria, stipends, or other kinds of payment for artists or staff of the companies.
- Participate in interviews and Q&A sessions;
- Promote the Festival and their show;
- Provide both the English and the Italian subtitles as well as the script by the end of June
DEADLINE: January 15, 2025.
Consider joining us in Verona in July, to engage with the truly unique possibilities afforded by the VERONA SHAKESPEARE FRINGE!
In order to be eligible, the applicants must be legal entities (private or public bodies), this entails having a legal representative with power of attorney, the ability to issue regular invoices, and possession of a bank account. Professionals who are not legal entities should sign a contract with a legal entity before the final agreement with the Festival Organisation. The legal entity will then sign the contract with the Festival Organisation as the legal representative of the professional/s.
Non-Italian applicants established in EU State members must provide the A1 FORM, certifying Social Security Coverage in their own country and social security contribution exemption in Italy for each travelling member of the company. For further information click: here.
Non-Italian applicants NOT established in EU State members, or for whom the European Social Security Legislation does not apply, must verify the possibility of obtaining a document from the Social Security System of their own countries attesting the Social Security Coverage in their country and social security contribution exemption in Italy for each travelling member of the company.
For any further information regarding social security in an international context, please refer to the guide published by Pearle Live Performance Europe available here.
Submissions must include:
- artistic bio of the company or the artist;
- technical rider of the performance (please check the technical rider of the venue for details);
- requisite video trailers and photographs;
- acceptance to provide subtitles in English and Italian;
- declaration of compliance with visa requirements;
- duration of the set-up and disassembly of the show;
- application form filled in with all the required details.
To propose a project, production, or idea, complete the application form and send it to:
- 10/12 maximum LED lights (DMX controlled) for a total of 15 kilowatts, arranged as follows: 4 lights on the right, 4 on the left, and 2 (and possibly 2 more) on the central trusses. Colour doesn’t change. Warm white light, halogen-like.
– 5 additional LED lights, with colour change capability.
- Cables: DMX only;
- Analog console with 24 channels + 24 channels (1 light requires 5 to 15 channels.
- 8-channel mixer;
- 2 panoramic microphones available if needed;
- Possibility to connect via PC (as long as the necessary softwares are installed);
- 2 speakers on the right and 2 on the left (in both cases, one is placed at ground level and the other close to the ceiling).
630 cm wide x 540 cm deep;
- The seating capacity is 196, with 154 seats in the stalls. The theater complies with regulations and is equipped with 2 restrooms, one of which is accessible for individuals with disabilities;
- Manual curtain;
- No backdrop wings;
- One stair on the right and one on the left of the stage that grant access to the dressing rooms (placed under the stage).
1 technical director