Shakespeare ON//line by Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre

ShakespeareOn//line is a project dedicated to the greatest playwright of all time, its results are presented at platform.
Currently, when the tendency is to simplify messages or even reduce them to a single line (when the whole play can be presented in several emoticons) this project aims to develop knowledge about the work and life of William Shakespeare. The website is gradually supplemented with a multimedia content discussing and interpreting various aspects of selected dramas
The platform, created by the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre as part of the ShakespeareON//line project, is supported by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage program Kultura w Sieci (Culture online). The materials created and published over the coming weeks will be devoted to the following Shakespeare’s plays: Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Macbeth, The Merry Wives of Windsor and The Tempest.
Each week, various activities devoted to selected play are presented.
In the Publications tab you will find, among others:
- Intro – introduction or drama in a nutshell – in which you will learn the most important threads and characters;
- Premieres – lectures by prof. Jerzy Limon ( CEO of Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre) set in the context of the Elizabethan era commenting on historical events that were a potential inspiration for Shakespeare in creating a given play;
- Pop culture – a multimedia lecture in which you will learn how a given drama works in various contexts of contemporary literature and the media;
- Revisions – in which theater reviewers discuss the most important stage productions of a given drama in Polish contemporary theater;
- Performatives – theatrical and digital experiments created by artists of the young generation, based on Shakespeare’s works.
- Scripts – from workshops (acting, literature, guide for educators)
Additional materials will be available on the theater’s social channels.

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Subsidised by the National Centre for Culture under the Programme Kultura w Sieci :