SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL In the Globe Neuss 14 June – 13 July 2019

The Globe Theatre in Neuss will once again be hosting its unique Shakespeare Festival from 14 June to 13 July with a total of 33 performances of fifteen productions from France, Poland, Hungary, England and Germany. There will be the usual Shakespeare Day for children, workshops for school pupils and teachers, and introductory presentations for the seven premieres scheduled to take place in Germany and on NRW radio.
Highlights include the dramatic dance programme “For You my Love!”, in which Tim Bergmann, the versatile film and television actor, will involve some of Shakespeare’s well-known characters in a maelstrom of power and love. Eugène Ionesco, in his Macbett (played in Polish), juggles freely with characters from Macbeth as they murder each other in startlingly absurd ways. A modern Hungarian Richard III rubs shoulders with the enchanting French Midsummer Night’s Dream called “Je suis invisible!”. The varied schedule, which also includes the evergreen Twelfth Night (“or what you will”), Much Ado about Nothing, and the immortal Romeo and Juliet, is rounded off by two musical contributions: the opera studio of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg presents “Shakespeare at the Opera”, and the band “Woods of Birnam” from Dresden, with actor Christian Friedel (“Babylon Berlin”), performs “Searching for William in Concert”.
The Globe Neuss on the Rennbahn is a small-scale replica of Shakespeare’s 1599 theatre in London. The intimate horseshoe design brings the audience really close to the action, whether their seats are in the stalls or on one of the two raised tiers. A unique atmosphere is created by the lovingly designed ambiance, with its “[Shakes]beer garden” and its inviting foyer contributing to the festival’s very special quality.
Bridge House Productions SE20 Limited / Twelfth Night, Image: Tony Scudder bremer shakespeare company / König Lear, Foto: Marianne Menke Die Zähmung der Widerspenstigen, Image: bremer shakespeare company The Handlebards, Foto: Tom Dixon The Handlebards, Foto: Tom Dixon Johanna Richter Company / For you my Love!, Foto: Heinz Wantischek Maladype Theatre /Richard III., Foto: Miklós Toldy Northern Broadsides & New Vic Theatre/Much Ado About Nothing, Foto: Hannah Mclennan-Jones Shakespeare at the Opera, Foto: Susanne Diesner Teatr Papahema, Macbett, Foto: Lucjusz Sawicki
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