Shakespeare 400 in Gdańsk!
The Day of April 23th has traditionally been dedicated to William Shakespeare as this is the day of his death and asserted day of his birthday. This year the whole world is celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare’s Death.
The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre was commemorating the date with a unique event comprising films presentations and street happening in the Main City Centre: Długa and Długi Targ streets.
The films were presented in cooperation with the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London. „The Complete Walk” referring to „The Complete Works” (of Shakespeare) is a project composed of 37 short films corresponding to 37 plays of William Shakespeare. At the heart of each film was some of the great scenes from Shakespeare’s plays, shot in the place hovering in his imagination when he wrote them. Imagine Cleopatra in front of the Pyramids, Hamlet on the rocks of Elsinore, Romeo and Juliet in Verona… all filmed with some of British best-known actors. Thus – an English theatre at its best. The films were presented simultaneously in London and Gdańsk – in the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre.
The other part of the event was a unique artistic happening on the streets of Gdańsk, where 400 mourners will walk in „funeral procession” through the Gdańsk Main City to the theatre building. The final stage of the event will take place inside the Theatre.
Credits:Dawid Linkowski